20. feeling seen by a whale shark: disability representation in media

hi hello hey, happy May!

First, we hope you’re having a lovely spring no matter where you are. Even if you’re not for whatever reason, we hope our little show can be a bright spot in your day, or, in today’s case, make you think.

Today, we explore disability representation in media. Growing up, we hardly had any disabled role models in media, much less blind ones, but representation goes deeper than even us feeling seen. Often, people’s only experience with disability is through media, so we’ll discuss some stereotypes inaccurate presentation creates. Then, we’ll talk about some of our favorite examples, and finally, we’ll play a movie game!

As always, have a lovely week, and we’ll see you in two weeks!

casey and cassandra smiling in front of the Hamilton stage
Case and Cass seeing Hamilton on Broadway, 2018

show notes

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