27. an engineer & an actress go to college

hi hello hey, and let’s go to school!

Since it’s August and students are starting to go back to college, possibly for the first time, we wanted to talk about the “rare” and the “flair” of our college experiences. From requesting accommodations and using note takers to our majors and extracurriculars, college involves a lot of decisions and independence.

We also enjoyed comparing and contrasting our experiences together. Case studied musical theater and Cass majored in computer science engineering, so there was plenty to contrast, but the struggle of college is nearly universal to every student. We hope you enjoy, and good luck to any incoming freshmen! You got this!

side by side collage of casey (left) and cassandra (right). casey onstage dressed as a classic "geek" wearing large, red glasses, a multicolored knit hat, and braids. she is in character and grabs a prop mic with both hands and curls her lips. cassandra sits in a rolling office chair in an empty classroom with arms crossed, looking at multiple chalkboards covered in math proofs. she wears headphones around her neck and romana lays next to her
an actress onstage and an engineer studying for finals, 2011/2018

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1 Response

  1. August 24, 2021

    […] referenced our previous episode on college where we requested everyone to rate and review us on Apple, so please rate us if you haven’t […]