25. air (travel) with flair

hi hello hey, wherever you are!

Another Tuesday that we’re happy to provide some flair! Since it’s peak summertime and we’re now #VaxxedAndReady, we’re thrilled to be able to travel again, as I’m sure many people are. We both have loved to travel, so we decided to take this episode and share what traveling with low vision is like, from airport navigation to the subway or city bus.

As always, please feel free to send us an email with your thoughts, comments, insights, or cool pics to hello@rarewithflair.com! We love mail and we’ll definitely reply 🙂

collage of Casey (left) and cassandra (right) with suitcases in tow. Case walks away from the camera, toting a rose gold suitcase and wears a blush pink mini backpack. cassandra holds her cane and looks off to the right, her light green suitcase in front of her
Case and Cass on the move, 2016

show notes

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