51. blind beauty tips

hi hello hey, welcome to our beauty corner!

Before getting into the episode, we want to thank everyone who’s listened and reviewed these past two years. Wildly enough, we finally achieved the lofty 100-review goal we set in our first episode, so tune in to the beginning of this one for the highly anticipated reveal of Casey’s dog voice! It won’t disappoint!

Inspired by the albinism conference we went to recently, we decided to talk about our makeup routines, including what products we use and how we apply them having low vision. We’ve been wearing makeup for years and wanted to share our current beauty regimens and what we’re experimenting with.

side by side collage of cassandra (left) jaw casey (right). cassandra stands in front of wall with lipstick wallpaper and smiles excitedly holding a black shopping bag and pointing at her red lips. casey wears a colorful dress with strawberries and smiles over her shoulder as she stands on a shore
Cass + Case showing off their style, 2018/202

show notes

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