84. 2024 vision boards: moving forward with courage

hi hello hey, and welcome to 2024! More importantly though, welcome to season FIVE of Rare with Flair!

We’re thrilled to be kicking off another calendar year of the pod. After a short holiday break, we were in the new year spirit and wanted to let you all in on our hopes and goals for 2024 by sharing our vision boards with you! Casey has been creating vision boards for a few years now, and Cassandra decided to get in on the fun.

We don’t share everything we’ve put on our vision boards since there are some things in the works for both of us this year. We’ll be sharing little by little as they happen, so make sure you stay tuned this year to get the tea!

case and cass stand back to back in their party dresses, laughing and singing as they dance on a colorfully lit dance floor
Case + Cass dancing the HPS Conference, 2023

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